FREELANCER CASE STUDY: How Debra used her experience performing as an Opera Singer and running her own business to keep her calendar booked and her clients successful.

What You’re About To See:

Debra was living an incredibly unique lifestyle spending her winters in Norway singing Opera, and her summers in Florida working on her business. She loved her way of life but wanted to chase her long-term goal of Freelancing as she progressed in her Opera career.

She knew she had valuable skills and insight from her background as a performer and wanted to combine her prior experience in business, with the tools she used to market herself in the past to create a platform to help others succeed. Now as she does private consulting for other women looking to grow their own businesses, she is well on her way!

In order to be successful on this new path, Debra knew she needed guidance in her transition, and wanted not only the information but the processes and steps to hit her goals. After advertising her Webinar to her email list using the No Pants Project Freelance System, she had over 100 people attend, and 36 enroll in the course she created!

Debra: From Opera to Freelance

Watch The Case Study Interview With Debra Now
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