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I’ll Show You How I Used One Book To Simplify My Marketing and Consistently Get More Clients.

Get The One Book Millions Method Today and Discover How I Use Books to Grow My Coaching & Services Businesses to 7+ Figures in Annual Revenue.
Dear Entrepreneur, Coach, Agency Owner, or Service Provider,
Mike Shreeve
I Help Entrepreneurs Scale Quickly | Over $150,000,000 Generated For My Clients Over the Past 15 Years
My name is Mike Shreeve and in my book, The One Book Millions Method

… I’d like to show you how I replaced almost all of my marketing with a simple book that can take anyone as little as 14 days to write

If you help and serve other people and you’re ready to simplify your marketing…

If you have a course, offer, coaching program or service you sell…

If you’re ready to scale your business to $100k/mo or more in revenue…
Or if you’re tired of rising ad costs and increasing complexity in your business…

… I can show you how I use this method to scale to 7+ figures/year and beyond with less work, less complexity, and more consistently. 

I wrote my first two non-fiction books in 2012. Since then, I’ve perfected the process of:

  • Using books to rapidly grow email lists and acquire new customers…
  • Using books to replace less effective marketing methods (like video sales letters, webinars, and free lead magnets)...
  • Using books to sell coaching programs, live events, services, memberships, online courses and more…
  • Using books to improve sales conversations and attract more “dream clients” to my business...
  • And using books to help cover marketing costs and scale businesses that serve others fast.
Inside The One Book Millions Method, I’ll share with you the exact process I use to quickly write a book that can grow almost any business that serves others, how I sell the book at net zero in advertising costs, and how I use the book to bring in 100-150 new customers per day. 

Are You Ready to See How I Turned a 68-Page Book Into a 7-Figure Business?

If you’re ready to discover how I use books to grow businesses to 7 figures and beyond, get your copy of The One Book Millions Method today for just $4.99 and discover how I…
  • Add 100-150 New Customers Per Day to a business at net zero cost per acquisition (i.e. at breakeven on ad spend) or better…
  • Turn strangers into premium clients without giving away stuff for free, recording endless webinars, or spending a ton of time sending out cold DMs…
  • How to Plan, Write, and Produce a Book from Start to Finish – even if you’re not a writer (spoiler: You don’t even have to write the book yourself…)
  • ​“Sell without Selling” and Close 40% of Sales Calls for High-Ticket Programs without needing high-pressure sales tactics, sleazy “bro marketing”, or a high-ticket closer…
  • ​1 “Set-and-Forget” Book, 1 Funnel, and Scale to $100k/mo – My proven framework for building a $100k/month business by doing less…
  • How I use books to create a “passive” business that DOESN’T rely on doing everything all the time to keep it running…
  • A complete list of everything required to get a book live, out in the world, and selling so that you can bring in more prospects who are pre-sold on your offers and services.
… And a lot more!

This Book is a MUST READ for…

  • Experts who would like to become the go-to figure in their industry without spending years trying to “get their name out there”...
  • Coaches and course creators looking to increase their ability to serve at scale and add hundreds of students to their programs...
  • Freelancers, consultants, and service providers who want to trade bottom-of-the-barrel projects for higher-paying clients that they LOVE to work with...
  • ​Speakers looking to get off the endless speaking circuit while STILL growing their audience and spreading their message to thousands…
  • Marketers who are tired of giving their best stuff away for free (just to attract leads that never end up buying…)
  • ​Anyone looking for a simpler, more peaceful, and more profitable way to build a 7-figure business by giving more value to their audience…


“In the past 6 weeks I’ve made over $30,000 in coaching income… plus over $2,000 PROFIT from my front-end funnel.”


“This is the method I’ve been looking for. No posting stuff on social all day, no free funnel of a book that no one reads.”


“Not a Bad First Day!”


Ready to Get My Entire Process For Using a Book to Build a 7-Figure Business?

The price of The One Book Millions Method is a one-time payment of just $4.99.

Your digital copy of The One Book Millions Method will be delivered to your inbox right away so you can start discovering how I use books to scale businesses faster and more predictably than any other method I’ve tried or tested.

Inside The One Book Millions Method, you’ll get access to over 10+ years of experience, lessons, and insights from testing, tweaking, and scaling book funnels. 

Your purchase today also includes the 7 bonuses.

I know this seems like information overload, but I’ve done my best to organize The One Book Millions Method so you’ll be able to immediately gain new insights you can rapidly deploy…

... while having a blueprint you can follow to create and launch your own book asset to bring in high volumes of new customers and quickly turn them into premium clients.

To make sure you have everything needed to understand and implement The One Book Millions Method on your own, I’m also including the 7 bonuses listed below at NO COST with your order today.

These bonus courses and workshops are designed to complement what you’ll learn inside The One Book Millions Method.

Get Your Copy Right Now for Just $4.99

And Get All These Bonuses For FREE…

Bonus #1:

7 x 7-Figure
Funnel Breakdowns

Here’s How the Top 1% of Marketers Are Using Books to Acquire Customers and Attract Clients
Do you also want to see how other coaches, consultants, agencies, service providers and digital course creators are using books in their marketing?
In this 7 x 7-Figure Funnel Breakdown Training, I’ll show you how the Top 1% of marketers are using books as new customer acquisition tools in their businesses.

We’ll look at the offers, each page of their marketing funnels, and even some of their follow-up materials so you can get a full understanding of what makes a 7-figure funnel work.

You’ll see how our method compares to other “book funnels” out there so you can determine if our book asset model is the best fit for your goals.

Bonus #2:

3 Clients Per Day
With a Short Book

How We Turn $4.99 Book Buyers into $3k - $30k+ Clients in About 7 Days Using a Book and Simple Follow-Up
Inside this bonus training, 3 Clients Per Day With a Short Book, you’ll discover the process I use to turn $4.99 book buyers into premium clients for $3k to $30k offers.

Using a book to sell a high-ticket program, course, or service is a very different process than you might be used to seeing.
In this training, you’ll get a better understanding of how book buyers interact with your brand and your follow-up marketing messages.

You’ll discover how using a book differs from webinars, lead magnets, or VSLs…

... and I’ll walk you step-by-step through the process I use to turn $4.99 book buyers into premium clients without using pushy, desperate-feeling sales tactics.

Here’s the best part: You don’t even need a book to apply these principles into your marketing immediately.

As long as you’re already offering something that helps someone achieve a result and you’re selling it (not giving it away for free)... you can swipe the exact pathway I use to turn strangers into clients.

Bonus #3:

3 Offers to 7-Figures

Discover the 3 Offers That Help Agencies, Coaches, and Digital Course Creators Consistently Get to 7-Figures
The next bonus training you’ll receive when you purchase The One Book Millions Method is my 3 Offers to 7-Figures Workshop.

In this workshop you’ll discover the 3 types of offers every online business should have, especially if you offer a service or work with clients.

This 3-offer framework is how I consistently take $10k/mo and $20k/mo coaches, consultants, and freelancers to consistent $100k and $200k months. 

Discover how these 3 offers work together, where a book asset fits in the mix, and dive deep into the “offer math,” revenue expectations I’ve developed over 10+ years of using books to get clients. 

While it is possible to build a business around a single, core offer and acquire customers or clients through other methods, this workshop will illustrate why a single-offer model can only lead to more work, more inconsistency, and more stress.

With 3 offers in place, you can enjoy more profit predictability…

... plus, your success will be much less reliant on cold traffic acquisitions (and the whims of advertising platforms).

Get this 3-offer framework, use it with the book method you’re about to discover, or deploy it in your existing business for consistent, predictable profits.

Bonus #4:

Book Hook Workshop

Use This Mechanism to Attract More Clients and Pre-Sell Them On Premium Offers Before They Even Read Your Book
Chapter 9 of The One Book Millions Method explains how to come up with “Book Hooks.”

The “Book Hook” is a framework you can use to attract high volumes of buyers to your book and convert them into high-ticket buyers... based on the framework of your book alone.

In this bonus workshop, you’ll join me for a step-by-step over the shoulder breakdown of book hooks, how they work, and how to construct them.

Have you ever heard a marketer or copywriter talk about how you need a “big idea” and you’ve wondered: “Ok, but how do I come up with one?”

This workshop will show you how.

Use it with your book or embed a “book hook” into your existing offers to help boost conversion rates and attract more of your ideal prospects.

The Book Hook Workshop and my book hook formula is included when you order The One Book Millions Method.

Bonus #5:

14-Day Writing Challenge

Follow This Unusual Writing Framework to Complete a Book and Start Using It as an Asset in Just 14 Days (or Less)
Ready to see how even non-writers who have never written more than a 1000-word blog post are planning, writing, editing, and publishing 100-150 page books in just 14 days?

It’s not by spending 2 full weeks chained to a desk behind the keyboard, that’s for sure!

During this bonus challenge, I’ll guide you step-by-step through an unusual but highly effective speed writing process that requires little actual writing skill.

Discover how to write just as fast as you speak, how to handle the editing process, and how to accelerate writing productivity far past what even the most prolific “traditional authors” are capable of.

And no, this is not accomplished by hiring someone else to write your book (although you can do that if you want to, but it won’t be as fast as doing it yourself using this 14-day challenge method).

Bonus #6:

Sales Mastery

This “Backwards” Sales System is How We Effortlessly Close 40% - 60% of All Sales Conversations (Without “Selling”)
If you sell a premium offer or service on the phone or with 1:1 conversations and you're looking to close more of the prospects you talk to, don’t miss this 4-part bonus training.

In this course, you'll discover the 4-part system we use to close 40% - 60% of our high-ticket sales conversations.

See why having a non-sales mindset is actually better than pushing to get a close…

Discover the sales framework we’ve developed and borrow it for your offer or deploy it with your book buyers…

Better understand the features and benefits of your offer…

Learn the methods we use to find objections and questions that prospects might have without being pushy or “over the top…”

And swipe the follow up strategies we used to close sales conversations without acting like typical “closers.”

Borrow our relaxed approach to sales and apply it to your business, and your prospects will appreciate the unorthodox ethical selling strategies we've created to close more high-ticket clients.

Bonus #7:

Get the FREE Audiobook

The 6.5 Hour Audiobook Is Included When You Order Your Copy of The One Book Millions Method
Prefer listening to your books?
Order now and I'll include the 6.5+ hour professionally narrated audiobook version of The One Book Millions Method for free.
Audio files are delivered directly so you can listen on any device. Instructions included to make enjoying the book easy.
Get the Audiobook and Listen to The One Book Millions Method on Any Device…
Included at NO COST with your order.

The One Book Millions Method is available for a one-time payment of just $4.99. When you order today, you’ll get an immediate digital download plus all 7 of the bonuses listed above at no additional cost.

Order your digital copy today and get the exact method I’ve used to consistently add new clients and predictably run higher volumes of traffic to our offers.

Are You Ready to See How I Use Books to Grow Businesses to $100k/mo and Beyond?

If you’re ready to try the method we use to rapidly acquire new customers and clients while more than covering traffic costs…

Turning brand new prospects into premium buyers of $3k to $30k programs…

While educating those who need your help the most and delivering value they genuinely appreciate…

Rapidly building authority and trust...

... and eliminating the unpredictability of marketing systems that can be inconsistent, expensive, or time consuming...

My latest book, The One Book Millions Method, will show you exactly how I simplified my marketing with a book (along with dozens of lessons I learned along the way for selling books and getting clients for coaching programs, courses, and agency services. 

Get The One Book Millions Method + All 7 Bonuses

For Just $4.99

  • A Digital Copy of the One Book Millions Method
  • ​7 x7-Figure Funnel Breakdowns
  • 3 Premium Clients Per Day Training
  • 3 Offers to 7-Figures Workshop
  • ​Book Hook Mechanism Workshop
  • ​14 Day Book Writing Challenge
  • ​Sales Mastery: 40% Close Rate System
  • 6.5-Hour Audiobook

Get Everything Above Today for

Just $4.99

You’ll receive The One Book Millions Method digital book, the 6.5+ hour audiobook, a MOBI file for your e-reader or tablet, and all of the included bonuses.

Don’t Take My Word for It!
Here’s What People Are Saying About 
The One Book Millions Method.


Don’t Take My Word for It!
Here’s What People Are Saying About 
The One Book Millions Method.

Get The One Book Millions Method + All 7 Bonuses

For Just $4.99

  • A Digital Copy of the One Book Millions Method
  • ​7 x7-Figure Funnel Breakdowns
  • 3 Premium Clients Per Day Training
  • 3 Offers to 7-Figures Workshop
  • ​Book Hook Mechanism Workshop
  • ​14 Day Book Writing Challenge
  • ​Sales Mastery: 40% Close Rate System
  • 6.5-Hour Audiobook

Get Everything Above Today for

Just $4.99

You’ll receive The One Book Millions Method digital book, the 6.5+ hour audiobook, a MOBI file for your e-reader or tablet, and all of the included bonuses.

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Here’s My Promise...

Here’s a simple promise:

The One Book Millions Method will show you everything that I’ve told you about on this page and more.

If you’re not satisfied with the book for ANY reason…

... just let my team know with a quick email to and we’ll send you a refund for your book purchase.

This is a one-year money-back guarantee!

Get The One Book Millions Method + All 7 Bonuses

For Just $4.99

  • A Digital Copy of the One Book Millions Method
  • ​7 x7-Figure Funnel Breakdowns
  • 3 Premium Clients Per Day Training
  • 3 Offers to 7-Figures Workshop
  • ​Book Hook Mechanism Workshop
  • ​14 Day Book Writing Challenge
  • ​Sales Mastery: 40% Close Rate System
  • 6.5-Hour Audiobook

Get Everything Above Today for

Just $4.99

You’ll receive The One Book Millions Method digital book, the 6.5+ hour audiobook, a MOBI file for your e-reader or tablet, and all of the included bonuses.


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