FREELANCER CASE STUDY: How Spencer learned how to run his own business, avoid the 9-5 grind, and is taking on bigger clients than he ever thought possible! 

What You’re About To See:

Spencer had just finished design school but desperately wanted to avoid the typical studio job.  Long hours, limited flexibility and most importantly valuable time away from his family was something he simply was not willing to endure. 

He decided to start Freelancing, but quickly realized that his schooling taught him nothing about how to run his own business!  He struggled to find consistent work, and felt himself having to choose between his job and the most important people in his life!

He needed a step by step guide on how to fill in the missing pieces that weren’t given to him in his education, and wanted desperately to achieve the work-life balance of his dreams!

After using the No Pants Project Guide to develop his true Superpower combining his design and writing expertise, Spencer is making the income he needs to live a comfortable and fulfilling life!

Spencer, The Webinar Maestro
Watch The Case Study Interview With Spencer Now
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