Q: "How do I know if I’d be any good at writing emails?"
A: The straight answer: You won't know until you try.
The long answer: Nobody is good at first, but lots of people get better with practice, training, and a desire to get better.
I was terrible at first.
I am NOT a natural born writer.
I had to buy book after book, course after course, and get client after client, before I finally "got it" and started getting repeatable results from my emails.
What I've done with Email Academy is compress and compile that 10 years of figuring out what actually worked and turning all that into templates and training that anyone could use.
With Email Academy you aren't going to need to go buy a bunch more courses on email copywriting, you'll have enough email templates for the 5 major email disciplines that you could get started writing for clients and continue for a few years providing results... just with what is inside of this program.
Q: "Do I have to be a sales expert to write great emails?"
A: No, but you should be interested in how humans work.
I teach a value first approach to email marketing and copywriting which means there's no hard selling here, but... the driving philosophy behind these emails is:
"If you want someone to believe you can help them, help them."
Which translates to:
Figure out what people want.
Show them how to get it.
Tell them you can help them get it faster.
All I need from you is a desire to follow that ^^^ process, and I'll show you how to use my templates to make that happen in real life.
The end result: sales for you and your clients.
Q: "Don’t people hate getting sales emails in their inbox?"
A: Yes, which is why we don't do "booty call" emails.
A value first approach to emails = people are happy to see your name in their inbox.
I first learned this approach from Ryan Lee and have been using it for the past 7 years. If you were to add up all the money I've earned for myself and my clients since starting this method of emailing 7 years ago... it's in the multiple millions.
Turns out, when people enjoy getting your emails... it's MUCH easier to make sales.
Q: "Will you teach me how to get clients?"
A. Of course.
We have a few different methods, one of which is called Empire Building which takes 15 minutes or less per day and has resulted in at least one 6-figure success story that I have tracked since launching this course last September.
Q: "How will I know what kind of emails to write for my clients?"
A. I'll show you how to diagnose the exact problems your prospects have and what email solution is gonna be best for them.
In the program we call these "Sales Maps" and they're the key to prescribing the right email medicine for your clients.